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Macro Cycling for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Macro Cycling for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Have you ever wondered how top bodybuilders pack on muscle while shedding fat like pros? The secret is macro cycling—a smart and strategic way to tweak your diet for maximum gains and minimal fat. Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or just starting, understanding macro cycling could be a game-changer.

So, what’s the deal with macro cycling? It’s about varying your macronutrient intake—protein, carbs, and fats—throughout the week or your training cycle. This allows you to tailor your diet to support muscle growth while maintaining fat levels.

Basics of Macro Cycling

Macronutrients, also known as macros, refer to the three main sources of energy required by the body: 

  • proteins
  • carbohydrates
  • fats

Each macronutrient plays a crucial role in physiological functions and distinctly impacts body composition.

Proteins are essential for muscle growth and repair. They are composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of our bodies. Adequate protein intake is crucial for developing and maintaining lean muscle mass. In a macronutrient cycling strategy, increasing protein intake while reducing carbohydrates and fats can help promote muscle growth and fat loss.

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy. They provide glucose, which fuels vital bodily functions, particularly during physical activities. While carbohydrates are necessary for fueling intense workouts, excess consumption can lead to weight gain. Cycling carbohydrates involves varying the amount and timing of carbohydrate intake, which can optimise performance during workouts and help control body fat levels.

Although often vilified, fats are crucial for hormone production, cell membrane integrity, and vitamin absorption. Cycling fat intake can be beneficial for body composition. Increasing healthy fats while reducing carbohydrates can support weight loss by enhancing satiety, increasing metabolic rate, and encouraging the utilisation of stored body fat.

Bodybuilders can tailor their nutrient intake to specific goals, such as muscle gain or fat loss, by strategically cycling macronutrients. Manipulating protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake allows for the optimisation of energy levels, lean muscle development, and fat reduction.

Implementing Macro Cycling

Implementing macro cycling is an effective strategy for achieving different fitness goals, such as bulking and cutting. Understanding the specific macros needed during each phase is key to optimising results.


Consuming higher amounts of carbohydrates and proteins during the bulking phase is essential. Carbohydrates fuel intense workouts and aid muscle recovery, while proteins are the building blocks for muscle growth. To further enhance protein synthesis, some bodybuilders use SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators). SARMs are known for increasing protein synthesis and improving muscle mass and strength.


The cutting phase requires a different approach. Carbohydrates should be reduced to enable the body to tap into its fat stores for energy. However, protein intake should be maintained to preserve muscle mass and support recovery. Strategic use of healthy fats is recommended to compensate for the reduced carbs. These fats can provide sustained energy and aid in absorbing fat-soluble nutrients.

Implementing macro cycling involves understanding the different macronutrient needs for each phase and adjusting your diet accordingly. By manipulating carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake, you can optimise your training and nutrition to achieve your desired physique and performance goals.

Benefits of SARMs in Macro Cycling

SARMs are supplements designed to stimulate the androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues, enhancing muscle growth and strength. These compounds have gained popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts for their ability to optimize gains during the bulking phase and preserve muscle during cutting.

SARMs help optimise gains by promoting anabolic effects, enhancing muscle protein synthesis, and inhibiting muscle catabolism. These compounds increase the activation of androgen receptors, specifically in muscle tissues, leading to enhanced muscle development. Using SARMs in bulking cycles, such as Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and Testolone (RAD-140), can result in rapid and sustained muscle growth, allowing individuals to achieve their desired physique more efficiently.

On the other hand, the cutting phase often risks muscle loss due to the calorie deficit required for fat loss. SARMs are valuable during cutting because they help preserve muscle tissue while the body burns stored fat for energy. By activating the androgen receptors in muscle tissues, SARMs signal the body to prioritize fat metabolism over muscle breakdown. SARMs like Ostarine (MK-2866) and Cardarine (GW-501516) are particularly effective for cutting, as they preserve muscle mass and help individuals achieve a lean and shredded appearance.

Sample Macro Cycling Plan

Incorporating a structured macro cycling plan can be a highly effective strategy for achieving specific fitness goals, whether aiming to build muscle, shed fat, or maintain your current physique. 

The following sample plan outlines a weekly approach to macro cycling, detailing specific nutritional and exercise recommendations for each day. By strategically varying carbohydrate intake and incorporating targeted workouts, this plan maximizes muscle growth, enhances fat loss, and optimizes overall performance. 

Remember, using SARMs can further support these goals by enhancing muscle growth, improving endurance, and preserving muscle mass during different cycle phases.

Monday: High Carb Day

On this day, focus on consuming more carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores. Increase calorie intake by around 10-15% compared to maintenance levels. Incorporate strength training exercises and prioritise compound movements. SARMs can be taken before the workout to enhance performance and promote muscle growth.

Tuesday: Moderate Carb Day

Reduce carbohydrate intake slightly compared to the previous day while maintaining a caloric surplus. Include a mix of cardiovascular exercises and resistance training. SARMs can be taken before the workout to enhance endurance and support muscle recovery.

Wednesday: Low Carb Day

Significantly reduce carbohydrate intake to encourage fat burning. Maintain a slight caloric surplus to support muscle growth. Focus on moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercises and utilise higher repetitions during strength training workouts. SARMs can be taken before the workout to maintain muscle mass during this lower carb phase.

Thursday: Moderate Carb Day

Increase carbohydrate intake slightly compared to the previous day while maintaining a caloric surplus. Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular exercises and resistance training. SARMs can be taken before the workout to enhance endurance and support muscle recovery.

Friday: Low Carb Day

Similar to Wednesday, significantly reduce carbohydrate intake to promote fat burning. Maintain a slight caloric surplus to support muscle growth. Include moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercises and higher repetition strength training exercises. SARMs can be taken before the workout to preserve muscle mass.

Saturday: High Carb Day

Consume a higher amount of carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores. Increase calorie intake by around 10-15% compared to maintenance levels. Prioritise strength training exercises and compound movements. SARMs can be taken before the workout to enhance performance and promote muscle growth.

Sunday: Rest Day

Focus on recovery and allow the body to rest and repair. Consume a balanced diet emphasising quality protein to support muscle repair and growth. SARMs can be omitted on rest days.

Buy SARMs in the UK for Macro Cycling

SARMs have shown promising benefits for macro cycling. They can increase lean muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve overall physique. By selectively targeting androgen receptors, SARMs have been able to provide these benefits without the adverse side effects commonly associated with traditional anabolic steroids.

It is important to emphasise the significance of responsible use and informed decision-making regarding SARMs. When buying SARMs in the UK, use a legitimate seller like UK SARMs. UK SARMs have tons of positive reviews and purity certificates issued via rigorous COA testing from verified and reputable awarding bodies. 

UK SARMs is considered the biggest legitimate supplier of SARMs in the UK. We are highly recommended for our authentic purity products, certificates of purity, popularity, fair pricing, and domestic and international shipping deals.

To review other articles about SARMs UK, please feel free to browse more of our SARMs resource guides today.