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The UK SARMs Blog

What is Certificate of Analysis (COA) Testing for SARMs, and How Can You Trust it

What is Certificate of Analysis (COA) Testing for SARMs and How Can You Trust it?

According to JAMA network research, 48% of SARMs are either fake, underdosed or substituted with cheap and toxic compounds. On top of that, 39% contained drugs that weren’t approved, 25% contained additional ingredients that weren’t listed on the product label, and 59% diverged from listed ingredient amounts. SARMs, in their purest form, work incredibly well […]

working out with kettlebells

(S-23) PUMP SARMs Review & Results Guide

Many people in the UK and worldwide use SARMs to help to enhance their gym gains and muscle mass, as well as sparking a reduction in body fat and building physical strength and endurance. In this review, we will take a look at PUMP, also known as S-23 to look at what you can expect […]


(S4) Andarine SARMs Review and Results Guide

S4 Andarine is a game-changing selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) making waves in the fitness scene. Why? Because it’s a triple threat: it burns fat, bulks up muscle, and takes athletic performance to the next level.  Originally developed for medical purposes, S4 was created to treat conditions such as muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and benign prostate […]

Symptoms of Low Testosterone and How to Improve Your Levels

Symptoms of Low Testosterone and How to Improve Your Levels

A low T-count can risk your life, eliminate muscle mass, and destroy your sex life. Testosterone plays a crucial role in health, bodybuilding and strength training. It also affects muscular development and fat tissue distribution. So if you want your body to look and feel its best, making sure your testosterone levels are optimal must […]

bodybuilder flexing muscles

Best Exercises for Lean Muscle Growth

The Very Best Exercises for the Promotion of Lean Muscle Growth When you’re trying to get ripped, while taking supplements and eating right is integral, so is exercising in the right way as well. If you exercise incorrectly, with bad form, or if you lift weights without a spotter, there’s a definite chance of injury. […]

celeb fitness influencer

Top Bodybuilders and Fitness Influencers Who Use(d) SARMs/PEDs

Examining Celebrity Influencers that have used SARMs/PEDs Opinions in the bodybuilding and fitness community about SARMs tend to be mixed. Many people mistakenly liken them to steroids because of their results and their side effects, but the two drugs of course completely different. Still, there are many top bodybuilders and fitness influencers that have openly […]


Your Guide to Safe Steroid Alternatives

Getting ripped is often a big goal for those who are into weightlifting and exercise, but it can be a difficult task even for those of us with the strongest will.  The amount of time and effort it takes is substantial, which is why so many people like to use muscle-building supplements or other products […]


RAD 140 Testolone SARM Review & Results Guide

RAD-140 Testolone is a powerful Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that can change how your body reacts to and produces certain hormones.  In this guide, we’ll review the critical information about Testolone: its benefits, the pro and cons of RAD 140, results, side effects, and more.  RAD 140 Results When does RAD 140 kick in? […]

SARMs vs Peptides for bulking

SARMs vs Peptides: Which Has Better Results?

Many people seek supplements or other products in order to try to boost their athletic performance. They also take them in order to push further in the gym, if possible. There are a whole host of options in the world of supplements and performance enhancing drugs: from SARMs, to peptides, to regular supplements, to steroids […]

The Very Best Supplements for Muscle Building

If you’re a bodybuilder or someone who’s passionate about fitness, it’s likely that you take supplements or similar products to assist you with building muscle, burning fat, or getting better performance in the weight room. Millions of people around the world do the exact same thing, so there’s nothing too weird about that there. Everyone […]